Artificial Intelligence (AI) has left the confines of science fiction to shape the contours of our lives. While Cortana, Siri, Alexa and other “intelligent assistants” help us perform all sorts of tasks, tech startups relentlessly launch other AI-driven products to tackle a growing list of human concerns -- from personal finance (robo advisors) and customer service (chatbots) … [Read more...] about Despite AI Hype, True General Intelligence Still Out Of Reach
Collaborative Design Is Critical For AI
The trope “there’s an app for that” is quickly becoming “there’s an AI for that.” Want to assess the narrative quality of a story? Disney’s got an AI for that. Got a shortage of doctors but still need to treat patients? IBM Watson prescribes the same treatment plan as human physicians 99% of the time. Tired of waiting for George R.R. Martin to finish writing Game of Thrones? … [Read more...] about Collaborative Design Is Critical For AI
The Art of Computer Conversation
What happens when you artfully blend storytelling with artificial intelligence? Done right, you might get a conversational bot smart enough to amuse and captivate us humans. Take it from animator, technologist, and former Pixar CTO Oren Jacob. Personally picked by Steve Jobs and Ed Catmull to lead the award-winning studio’s internal tech team, Jacob helped craft the moving … [Read more...] about The Art of Computer Conversation
Why Building Social Robots Is Much Harder Than You Think
Social robots stole the show at CES in Vegas this year. Dozens of offerings were on display, ranging from robots that tutor you in physics (Einstein), queue up your favorite recipes (Mykie), and even help autistic children socialize (Leka). Unlike your moody human friends, these robots promise to be available day and night, ever accommodating, and practically omniscient … [Read more...] about Why Building Social Robots Is Much Harder Than You Think
4 Critical Steps To Maximize Chatbot Retention & Engagement
To survive, businesses need to find and engage customers. To go beyond survival and achieve success, they need to both grow an audience and retain customers over time. A post-mortem analysis of over a hundred failed companies found that the inability to identify the right market and genuinely connect with customers caused them to fold up and implode with a whimper. … [Read more...] about 4 Critical Steps To Maximize Chatbot Retention & Engagement
Does Conversation Hurt Or Help Chatbot UX?
Chatbot fever has infected Silicon Valley. The leaders of virtually every tech giant — including Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple — proclaim chatbots as the new websites and messaging platforms as the new browsers. “You should message a business just the way you would message a friend,” declared Mark Zuckerberg when he launched the Facebook Messenger Platform for bots. He … [Read more...] about Does Conversation Hurt Or Help Chatbot UX?
5 Metrics Every Chatbot Should Track
40% of a typical bots’ users only engage in one conversation. This statistic, calculated by Ilker Koksal, co-founder of Botanalytics, suggests bot makers need to invest more effort to measure bot metrics and performance and deliver value to users. Traditional metrics like DAU / MAU and analytics tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel work well for websites and mobile apps, … [Read more...] about 5 Metrics Every Chatbot Should Track
When Bots Go Bad: Common UX Mistakes In Chatbot Design
Bots will one day sweet-talk their way into our good graces, but that day is not today. Judging from recent debacles such as Microsoft’s Tay and the fembots of Ashley Madison, AI-assisted bots still have a long way to go before gaining genuine and socially acceptable conversational skills and great chatbot ux. Just visitYouTube and you’ll realize that giving bots an eerily … [Read more...] about When Bots Go Bad: Common UX Mistakes In Chatbot Design
The Art Of Conversational Luxury
Conversational commerce is the buzz word du jour of Silicon Valley, Madison Avenue, and Wall Street, but the concept is as ancient as mankind. We have traded with each other since Homo Sapiens emerged as a species approximately 200,000 years ago. My harvest for your game. My loyalty for your protection. How were these exchanges conducted? By conversation. While spoken … [Read more...] about The Art Of Conversational Luxury